What Is Deep Adaptive Machine Translation?

What Is Deep Adaptive Machine Translation?

Over the years, machine translation (MT) has evolved in terms of output and accuracy..

This technology uses software to translate text or speech from one language to another. The quality of translations has continued to improve with new developments in the machine translation sector. As an artificial intelligence science, machine translation enhances human capabilities. Several industries depend on this technology to operate efficiently. Online translation systems and mobile applications are leading users of machine translation to communicate across language barriers. The system is essential for both the private sector and government organizations.

What Is Deep Adaptive Machine Translation?

Deep Adaptive Machine Translation is a new adaptive system that is closing the gap with human parity. As an artificial intelligence tool, it is user-configured to closely resemble human language choices and style. Developed by companies such as Pangeanic, this system improves human productivity by providing practically “human”translations, thus closing the gap with human parity.

While other machine translation systems such as Neural MT and Statistical MT have played a big part in supporting translators' work, Deep Adaptive Machine Translation is state-of-the-art. The learning algorithms pick the most relevant content and prioritize the new material in a similar way to human translators.

The system is very suitable for post-editing because it learns and stores the corrections as soon as you make them. It also quickly picks and masters how to generate accurate, flowing, human-like translations, making the human-operated work more effective. Once a translator corrects an error in one segment, the action is automatic and the MT learns it, prioritizes over previously learnt choices and applies it to new material. For heavy system users, companies like Pangeanic recommend uploading TMX files to the system learns how to behave and what language choices to make from the start.

Using deep adaptive techniques, users can easily customize clone engines within the Pangeanic ECO platform. Those engines simulate the newly learned vocabulary. This acts as an advantage for businesses that are in specific sectors with their own set of terminologies and speeds multilingual publication.

Which Businesses Use Deep Adaptive Machine Translation?

This artificial intelligence science is essential for both corporate businesses and language translation professionals. With the rise of online applications, there is a demand to incorporate these tools in different processes and to do so in private clouds that guarantee technology independence, support for corporate IA roadmaps without any transfer to “large tech companies”. In short, deep adaptive is one way to support corporate AI building blocks without data trading. Let's take a look at how deep adaptive machine translation is applied in businesses.

Legal Firms

Legal firms use Deep Adaptive Machine Translation to translate a large number of documents fast. Professionals in legal practice can pump hundreds of litigation documents (forensic evidence) and have them stored and delivered into the language of litigation or search at light speed. This eases searching of entities, persons, actions, keywords and annotating data to create graphs in any tool. The software also stores and masters all the legal terminologies used in previous documents to be used in future projects. Despite the technicalities in the legal terms, the system can efficiently translate every document and keep it in the memory for terminology re-use.

Language Professionals

Professionals such as translators and interpreters rely significantly on Deep Adaptive Machine Translation systems. LSPs working in different professional capacities use this form of artificial intelligence in their translation work to improve their production and produce more words per day.

A cloned engine by Pangeanic makes the process much more productive because it closes the gap to parity - the base engine is based on millions of parallel sentences, with the client terminology and style being prioritized through deep machine learning to produce “near human quality” translations. y It mimics the human style and behavior, and it keeps a memory of all the corrections, words and choices. If a language professional makes any correction, the system will update the new translation to avoid future task repetition.

Social: Hospitality, Tourism and Social Networks

Businesses operating in different markets and regions benefit from the use of machine translation systems. When communicating with their clients, staff, or customers who speak a different language, it's easier to use MT for fast and efficient translation. Facebook Translate for example uses AI-powered translation tools to interpret user postings. Therefore, businesses can create content in their language that can be easily communicated to their customers. Speech-to-speech translation on a platform such as Skype is essential for business communication and online classrooms.

Mobile translation tools that use this system are good for business networking among individuals speaking different languages. They also help in learning foreign languages and speech when traveling to other countries. User generated content (comments posted on reviews for the hospitality business, hotels, as well as social media postings) is a prime candidate for high-quality machine translation.

Content Producers

Filmmakers globally are producing content targeting all audiences. During filming, the content is primarily filmed in a specific language which is translated later. Deep Adaptive Machine Translation comes in handy by providing instant translation for several languages.

Benefits of Using Deep Adaptive Machine Translation

Machine technology is crucial for private and government operations and is becoming increasingly more commonplace in professional sectors. Here are some of the benefits associated with this type of computing.

1. It's Fast

Deep Adaptive MT is fast. Once corrections are made, the system does not need to be retrained and masters the new translations instantly. With a company like Pangeanic's technology, users can adapt an engine in minutes.

2. It Can Handle Multiple Languages

The computer systems make decisions with choices that imitate human behavior. During the translation process, the system can handle multiple languages. This reduces the workforce needed to complete the tasks, especially with groups that operate globally.

3. It Allows for More Tasks

Language Solution Providers using Deep Adaptive Machine Translation get to finish their tasks much quicker with higher levels of accuracy and always with a human touch. MT, together with the use of high translation memory produces content much faster and reduces the chances of error. Therefore, translators can accomplish tasks quickly and free up time to work on other roles.

4. It's Accurate

As an artificial intelligence tool, it uses deep machine learning. These applications use massiv amounts of data to improve their accuracy levels. With high-quality translations, businesses and governments can rely on this technology for correct translations.


Deep Adaptive Machine Translation as a technology is beneficial to many businesses. Thanks to companies like Pangeanic, LSPs, government organizations, multinationals, and corporate businesses can access a reliable, fast and effective machine translation tool.

Their clone engines mimic all new processes and terminologies irrespective of the industry. By customizing the machine learning process, users can create deeply adapted machine translation engines to perform even their most completed tasks. If you enjoyed this Mod, you might like to read more about these tech tools used by digital nomads! Please share this Mod using the social links below.

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Millennial Moderator Author

Diana Nadim

Diana Nadim is a featured writer on Millennial Moderator.